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A Monster's Expedition + Earlier Adventures [Nintendo Switch iam8bit] NEW

Regular price $50.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $50.00 USD
Availability: 38 in stock
SKU: IF_5387C7AE
Regular price $50.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $50.00 USD

Game Name: A Monster’s Expedition + Earlier Adventures [Nintendo Switch]

Platform: Nintendo Switch

Rating: E-Everyone

Region Code: NTSC-U/C (US/Canada)

UPC: 850037673025

A Monster's Expedition + Earlier Adventures [Nintendo Switch iam8bit] NEW

A Monsters Expedition + Earlier Adventures

A Monsters Expedition + Earlier Adventures

A Monster's Expedition + Earlier Adventures from iam8bit 

for the Nintendo Switch includes four Award-Winning unique

puzzle games in one package - A Monster's Expedition, Cosmic Express,

A Good Snowman is Hard to Build, and Sokobond!

This collection is an absolute feast for puzzle fans. For nearly a decade,

Draknek & Friends have been crafting bespoke, lovingly designed puzzle experiences

that take a theme, mechanic, or ludicrous idea and push it to its natural conclusion.

A Monsters Expedition + Earlier Adventures

This collection features four of these award-winning experiences,

packaged together on a single Nintendo Switch cartridge for over 100 hours of head-scratching goodness.

The crown jewel of this collection is A Monster's Expedition,

an open-world puzzle adventure that casts players as a monster exploring an archipelago museum of human culture.

The game's central log-rolling mechanic unfolds & unfurls into escalating complexities that have you constantly

reconsidering the space around you both laterally and logically. That space, too, is presented in such a fun and

welcoming aesthetic that frustration is consistently held at bay learning becomes a genuine pleasure, as it should be.

A Monsters Expedition + Earlier Adventures

And that's just ONE of the FOUR brilliant puzzle games you get here! We could go on and on about the charm of

A Good Snowman is Hard to Build, the sublime pleasures of spending hours in Sokobond, or the seemingly

endless satisfaction that comes from planning routes in Cosmic Express, but we'll let you discover the magic on your own.

It's an absolute gem of a collection!


Region Free - Worldwide Compatibility.

Over 100 hours of unique, no-filler puzzles!

Four Award-Winning Unique Puzzle Games in One - A Monster's Expedition,

Cosmic Express, A Good Snowman is Hard to Build, and Sokobond.

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